SIC Security in the media

Podcast Universidad Gabriela Mistral / ASECH

Un Podcast nutritivo del mundo del emprendimiento, en donde se aborda la historia de Karen Sánchez como fundadora de SIC Seguridad.

💼 Invita: Universidad Gabriela Mistral y ASECH (Asociación de Emprendedores de Chile)

CHV Entrepreneurs Report

A report that takes a look at the world of entrepreneurship and the difficulties of starting a business. In this framework, CHV highlighted the work that SIC Seguridad has carried out as a hard-working company.

Scotiabank Women Initiative

In a Scotiabank report, special mention is made of women entrepreneurs, highlighting SIC Seguridad, founded and promoted by Karen Sánchez, who has managed to consolidate the organization with effort and good work.

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